(By no means all inclusive. Subject to seasonal availability)
We grow our perennials in extremely harsh conditions and as a result of that our plants can be planted earlier in the spring than most nursery's starts. Our plants will not be as 'Pretty' in the early season, but they are a whole lot tougher. We grow over 250 varieties of perennials, but that is not even the tip of the iceberg. We also buy perennials from a good Intermountain Grower and can have 350-400 varieties of different perennials. Included within our perennial lineup are several Utah Natives and a long list of Water-Wise Plants.
This is not a complete list of everything that we will carry. Come in to the Greenhouse for current inventory.
African Daisy Avalanche Hardy
African Daisy Hardy Purple Mountain
African Daisy Lavender Mist
Apache Plum
Artemisia Powis Castle
Artemisia Silver Mound
Aster Kickin Carmin Red
Aster Kickin Lavendar
Aster Kickin Lilac Blue
Aster Kickin Pink Chiffon
Aster Kickin Purple
Aster Purple Dome
Aster Wood's Blue
Aster Wood's Pink
Aster Wood's Purple
Astilbe Fanal
Astilbe Peach Blossom
Astilbe Visions in Pink
Astilbe Visions in Red
Baby's Breath Creeping
Baby's Breath Double Snowflake
Bachelor's Buttons Perennial
Bachelor's Button Amethyst Dream
Bachelor's Button Amethyst in Snow
Ballon Flower Astra Series
Ballon Flower Sentimental Blue
Baptisia Prairie Blues Series
Basket of Gold Summit
Beebalm Coral Reef
Beebalm Jacob Cline
Bergenia Bressingham Ruby
Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) Cherry Brandy
Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) Denver Daisy
Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) Goldstrum
Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) Indian Summer
Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) Little Goldstar
Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) Tiger Eye
Blackberry Lily
Blackberry Lily Hello Yellow
Blackfoot Daisy
Blanket Flower Arizona Red (Gaillardia)
Blanket Flower Arizona Red Shades (Gaillardia)
Blanket Flower Arizona Sun (Gaillardia)
Blanket Flower Fancy Wheeler (Gaillardia)
Blanket Flower Fanfare Blaze (Gaillardia)
Blanket Flower Goblin (Gaillardia)
Blanket Flower Hopi
Bleeding Heart
Brunnera Hearleaf
Brunnera Jack Frost
Brunnera King's Ransom
Brunnera Silver Wings
Butterfly Bush Black Knight
Butterfly Bush Buzz Magenta
Butterfly Bush Buzz Midnight
Butterfly Bush Pink Delight
Campanula Birch Hybrid
Campanula Blue Clips
Campanula Serbian
Campanula White Clips
Candytuft Alexander's White
Catchfly Triumph Rose
Catmint Cat's Meow
Catmint Junior Walker
Catmint Walker's Low
Chocolate Flower
Chocolate Snakeroot
Columbine Clementine Series
Columbine Colorado/Rocky Mountain
Columbine McKana Giant Mix
Columbine Music Mix
Columbine Origami Series
Columbine Red&Yellow
Columbine Western Red
Columbine Winky Series
Coral Bells Bella Notte
Coral Bells Berry Smoothie
Coral Bells Caramel
Coral Bells Circus
Coral Bells Dolce Blackberry Ice
Coral Bells Frosted Violet
Coral Bells Hollywood
Coral Bells Lava Lamp
Coral Bells Midnight Rose
Coral Bells Ruby Bells
Coreopsis Early Sunrise
Coreopsis Jethro Tull
Crocosmia Lucifer
Cupids Dart
Dame's Rocket
Daylily Alpha Centauri (yellow)
Daylily Apricot Sparkles
Daylily Earlybird Cardinal Endless Heart
Daylily Gypsy Caravan (cream - pink)
Daylily Happy Returns (yellow)
Daylily Holiday Song (coral orange)
Daylily Majestic Hue (lavender)
Daylily Midnight Raider (red-purple)
Daylily Mighty Chestnut (russet orange)
Daylily Monterrey Jack (yellow)
Daylily Nosferatu (Purple)
Daylily Patrician Splendor (pink)
Daylily Raspberry Suede
Daylily Rolling Thunder (dark red)
Daylily Round Midnight (black-purple)
Daylily Scottish Fantasy (pink)
Daylily South Seas (orange)
Daylily Stella de Oro (gold)
Delphinium Blushing Brides
Delphinium Magic Fountains Dark Blue/Dark Bee
Delphinium Magic Fountains Sky Blue/White Bee
Delphinium Pacific Giants Blue Bird
Delphinium Pacific Giants Galahad
Delphinium Pacific Giants King Authur
Delphinium 'Pink Punch'
Desert Four O'Clock
Dianthus Dessert Series
Dianthus Dessert Series Strawberry Sorbet
Dianthus EverLast Burgundy Blush
Dianthus EverLast Lilac + Eye
Dianthus Fire Witch
Dianthus Fruit Punch Apple Slice
Dianthus Fruit Punch Black Cherry Wild
Dianthus Fruit Punch Coconut Punch
Dianthus Fruit Punch Pomegranate Kiss
Dianthus Heart Attack
Dianthus Love Doctor
Dianthus Scent First Series
Dianthus Star Series
Dianthus Tiny Rubies
Dianthus Witch Doctor
Echinacea Big Kahuna **NEW**
Echinacea Bubble Gum **NEW**
Echinacea Cantelope **NEW**
Echinacea Elegance **NEW**
Echinacea Flame Thrower
Echinacea Flamingo **NEW**
Echinacea Glowing Dream **NEW**
Echinacea Green Jewel
Echinacea Hot Coral
Echinacea Hot Papaya
Echinacea Lemon Yellow **NEW**
Echinacea Magnus
Echinacea Now Cheesier
Echinacea Orangeberry **NEW**
Echinacea paradoxa Yellow
Echinacea Pow Wow White
Echinacea PowWow Wildberry
Echinacea Raspberry Truffle
Echinacea Rocky Top
Echinacea Salsa Red
Echinacea Sandy Yellow
Echinacea Southern Belle **NEW**
Echinacea Tomato Soup
Echinacea Twilight
Echinacea Vanilla Cupcake **NEW**
Echinacea White Swan
Evening Primrose Ozark Sundrops
Fan Flower Fan Scarlet
Fan Flower Queen Victoria
Fern Cinnamon
Fern Ostrich
Fern Royal
Flax Lewis Light Blue
Flax Saphire Blue
Forget-Me-Not Victoria Blue
Forget-Me-Not Victoria Rose
Foxglove Camelot Series
Foxglove Candy Mountain
Foxglove Strawberry
Foxglove Sugar Plum
Foxglove Sunset
Gaura Ballerina White
Gaura Siskiyou Pink
Gayfeather Kobold
Gazania Colorado Gold Hardy
Gazania Tanager Hardy
Geranium Johnson's Blue
Geranium Rozanne
Geranium Sticky
Geranium Tiny Monster
Geum Blazing Sunset
Geum Cooky
Geum triflorum Prairie Smoke
Globeflower Golden Queen
Globemallow Gooseberry-leaf
Globemallow Scarlet
Grass Blue Fescue
Grass Blue Fescue Boulder Blue
Grass Blue Oat Sapphire Fountain
Grass Desert Plains Hardy Fountain
Grass Eldorado Reed
Grass Giant Miscanthus
Grass Hardy Pampas Grass (Ravenna Grass)
Grass Hot Rod Switch (Panicum)
Grass Karl Foerster Reed
Grass Overdam Reed
Grass Silver Feather Miscanthus
Green Mormon Tea
Helianthemum Annabel
Helianthemum Ben Nevis
Heliopsis Summer Series
Hellebore Lady Series
Hen's and Chicks
Hibiscus Hardy Blue River II
Hibiscus Hardy Fantasia
Hibiscus Hardy Fireball
Hibiscus Hardy Heartthrob
Hibiscus Hardy Jazzberry Jam
Hibiscus Hardy Kopper King
Hibiscus Hardy Lord Baltimore
Hibiscus Hardy Midnight Marvel
Hibiscus Hardy My Valentine
Hibiscus Hardy Party Favor
Hibiscus Hardy Pink Elephant
Hibiscus Hardy Plum Crazy
Hibiscus Hardy Plum Fantasy
Hibiscus Hardy Sultry Kiss
Hibiscus Hardy Summerific Cherry Cheesecake
Hibiscus Hardy Tie Dye
Hibiscus Hardy Turn of the Century
Hollyhock Chater's Series
Hollyhock Spotlight Series
Hollyhock Spring Series
Hosta Afterglow
Hosta Alligator Alley
Hosta American Hero
Hosta Cathedral Windows
Hosta Dream Weaver
Hosta Earth Angel
Hosta Empress Wu
Hosta First Frost
Hosta Fragrant Bouquet
Hosta Fragrant Queen
Hosta Francee
Hosta Frances Williams
Hosta Great Expectations
Hosta Guacamole
Hosta Patriot
Hosta Striptease
Hosta Sum and Substance
Hydrangea Annabelle
Hyssop Coronado
Hyssop Coronado Red
Hyssop Sonoran Sunset
Hyssop Sunset
Ice Plant Fire Spinner
Ice Plant Gold Nugget
Ice Plant Jewel of the Desert Garnet
Ice Plant Jewel of the Desert Peridott
Ice Plant Jewel of the Desert Topaz
Ice Plant Red Mountain Hardy
Ice Plant White Nuget
Ice Plant Yellow Hardy
Iris Bearded Assorted Colors
Iris Siberian Butter and Sugar
Iris Siberian Caesar's Brother
Iris Siberian Ruffled Velvet
Jacob's Ladder Bressingham Purple
Jacob's Ladder Brize d'Anjou
Jacob's Ladder Stairway to Heaven
Jacob's Ladder Touch of Class
Joe Pye Weed Baby Joe
Joe Pye Weed Chocolate
Jupiter's Beard
Lady's Mantle
Lamium Purple Dragon
Lamium White Nancy
Lavender Hidcote Blue
Lavender Munstead
Leopard's Bane
Ligularia Bottle Rocket
Ligularia Britt-Marie Crawford
Lily Asiatic Assorted Varieties
Lily of the Valley
Lily Oriental Assorted Varieties
Lungwort Dark Vader
Lungwort Raspberry Splash
Lupine Camelot Blue
Lupine Camelot Red
Lupine Camelot Rose
Maple Mallow
Maple Rocky Mountain
Masterwort Beauty
Masterwort Treasure
Mat Daisy Garden Gnome
Monkshood Common
Moss Irish
Moss Scotch
Mountain Mahogany Curl Leaf
Mountain mahogany Littleleaf
Pasque Flower
Penstemon Bridges
Penstemon Cardinal
Penstemon Dark Towers
Penstemon Elfin Pink
Penstemon Firecracker
Penstemon Palmer's
Penstemon Pike's Peak Purple
Penstemon Pine Leaf
Penstemon Prairie Dusk
Penstemon Red rocks
Penstemon Riding Hood Blue
Penstemon Riding Hood Delft Blue
Penstemon Riding Hood Hot Pink
Penstemon Riding Hood Red
Penstemon Rocky Mountain
Penstemon Scarlet
Penstemon Thickleaf
Penstemon Utah
Penstemon Whipple's
Peony Assorted Varieties
Phlox David Garden
Phlox Flame Lilac Garden
Phlox Flame Pink Garden
Phlox Paparazzi Lindsay Creeping
Phlox Paparazzi Paris Creeping
Phlox Peacock Cherry Red Garden
Phlox Peacock Neon Purple Garden
Phlox Peacock Purple Bicolor Garden
Phlox Peacock Rose Dark Eye Garden
Pincushion Flower Butterfly Blue
Pincushion Flower Pink Mist
Pincushion Flower Vivid Violet
Pink Nodding Onion
Poppy Beauty of Livermore Oriental
Poppy Dwarf Scarlet Oriental
Poppy Pink Oriental
Poppy Scarlet Oriental
Potentilla Nana Creeping Cinquefoil
Potentilla Wooly Cinquefoil
Prairie Winecups
Primrose Mexican Evening
Prince's Plume
Pussytoes Little Leaf
Rabbitbrush Rubber
Rabbitbrush Yellow
Rockcress Audry Series
Rockcress Axcent Series
Rockcress Cascade Series
Russian Sage
Russian Sage Filigran
Russian Sage Little Spire
Sage Basin Big
Sage Fringed
Sage Mountain Big Sage
Salvia Caradonna
Salvia May Night
Salvia Sensation Deep Rose
Salvia Sensation Sky Blue
Sedum Autumn Fire Upright
Sedum Autumn Joy Upright
Sedum cauticola Cliff Stonecrop Creeping
Sedum Cherry Tart Creeping
Sedum Dazzleberry Creeping
Sedum Garnet Brocade Upright
Sedum Maestro Upright
Sedum Pure Joy Upright
Sedum sieboldii October Daphne Creeping
Sedum Summer Glory Creeping
Seep Monkeyflower
Serviceberry Saskatoon
Serviceberry Utah
Shasta Daisy Banana Cream
Shasta Daisy Becky
Shasta Daisy Daisy May
Shasta Daisy Ice Star
Shasta Daisy Snow Cap
Sneezeweed Double Trouble
Sneezeweed Mardi Gras
Sneezeweed Ruby Tuesday
Snow in Summer
Spiderwort Concord Grape
Spiderwort Red Cloud
Spurge Bonfire
Spurge Cushion Spurge
Spurge First Blush
Sundancer Daisy
Sweet Woodruff
Thrift Nifty Thrifty
Thrift rubrifolia
Thrift splendens
Thyme Alpine Rock
Thyme Creeping Red
Thyme Wooly
Thyme Wooly
Toadlily Empress
Torchlily Fire Dance
Torchlily Flamenco
Turtle Heads Hot Lips
Utah Sweetvetch
Veronica Hocus Pocus
Veronica Sweet Lullaby
Veronica Turkish Creeping
Vinca minor Bowles
Windflower Honorine Jobert
Windflower Party Dress
Windflower Pretty Lady Series
Windflower September Charm
Windflower Snowdrops (spring blooming)
Yarrow Apricot Deligt
Yarrow Moonshine
Yarrow Paprika
Yarrow Pomegranate
Zauschneria latifolia Firechalice
Zauschneria Orange Carpet Hummingbird Trumpet